Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bilirubin Blues. . . I mean, Yellows


Things here have been pretty fun and full of discovery! Our poor little Jude had a really high bilirubin level (19.2) which is typical of Barlow babies. He had to go under the bili lights for 3 days and 2 nights, and it was awful for everyone.

What a way to spend the first days of your life!

Here are more pictures for your viewing pleasure. . .

It's so hard to be little!

Thank you for bearing with these overbearing parents. Happy New Year to everyone!


1 comment:

Missy said...

I dunno, I always thought those lights looked so warm and comfortable. He looks cuddely anyway. I like the one with him sucking your pinky, he looks like a little man, not so much an infant. So cute!